New Atlist Features!

We're very excited to announce four new features for Atlist:
1. New Design
A beautiful new design with more space for the map 😊
Here was the old interface:

... and here's the new interface:

2. Initial View
By default, Atlist maps center around all markers. And for a long time there wasn't a way to customize that without using URL parameters — which can be confusing.
But that's all changed now with Initial View.
Now you can just position your map how you want, and click Set Current View as Initial View.
Then your map will always load at that view.
Read more here.

3. Custom Embed Codes
You can now customize the size of your map on both desktop and mobile — handy!
Read more here.

4. Improved Zoom Animations
Here's how maps used to zoom:

... And here's how maps zoom now:

Notice how much smoother that is? Much better 😍