Custom Maps for Framer

Total design control. Thousands of markers. Share or embed on any Framer website.

Create a Map →

Framer is awesome but it’s map element is very limited.

Atlist is a more powerful map element:

Framer Map Element

Atlist Map Embed




Map Themes



Modal Pop-Ups

Upload Spreadsheets

Custom Styles

Remove Points of Interest

Sign up for a free account now. Get Started


Using Atlist and Framer is easy as 1-2-3.

1. Create Your Map

Customize the map styles to match the colors of your Framer project. Then copy the Atlist embed code.

2. Add an Embed Element

Open the Framer editor and add an Embed element to your page.

3. Paste the Embed Code

Make sure you have pasted the embed code into the Embed element. (The embed code will not work within a paragraph element.)

Beautiful, powerful maps. Now available on your Framer website.

Framer includes a Map element that works for single marker maps — but what if you want more power? What if you want thousands of map styles, customizable modal popups and a search bar?

Then you'll want to try Atlist.

Easy To Use

No coding required and no setting up API Keys. We designed Atlist to be easy and intuitive enough for anyone to build a custom map with custom styles— even beginners.

Perfect For Multiple Marker Maps

The Framer map element limits you to a single marker. With Atlist you can have hundreds of markers and upload markers in bulk via CSV spreadsheet.  

Create groups of markers with unique styles.  

Custom Map Styles That Match Your Brand

Atlist includes thousands of map styles with our Snazzy Maps integration. It's simple to find a map style that compliments your website template.

Give markers a unique style. Choose from different colors, shapes, borders, size, icons and much more.  

Custom Modal Pop-Ups

Modal pop ups make your map interactive. In Atlist, modals can include photo galleries, directions, notes and even custom CSS and HTML code.

And like everything in Atlist, the style of modals are customizable— you can set roundness, background color, font size and much more.  

Add To Framer With a Simple Embed

Integrating Atlist into a Framer page couldn't be easier. Just add an Embed element (previously Custom Code) and paste the Atlist embed code.  

Your map will never go out of date— simply login to Atlist, add a marker and your map will update in real-time. No managing things in two places.

Ready For Professional Web Design

Professional web designers love Atlist. Our responsive maps work on all iOS and Android mobile devices and advanced functionality— like marker groups, full screen mode, zoom level, street view, sidebar search and programmatic icons— is there when you need it.

Don't spend hours learning the Google Maps Javascript API— Atlist makes it quick and painless to create maps for your small business clients.


Do I need a specific Framer plan?  
All Framer plans include the Embed element — so you can use Atlist on any plan.

Does Atlist offer customer support?
Absolutely. We offer 1-on-1 video and email support for all paying customers.

Does Atlist work with other website builders?
Yes! Atlist can be used on any website or website builder— including Wix, Wordpress, Webflow, Shopify and more.

Does Atlist have an app?
Atlist does not have an Android or iOS app because it already works within mobile phone browsers.

Any suggested tutorials?
Absolutely! Check out our video tutorials on Creating a Store Locator, Creating Maps With Snazzy Map Styles and Creating a Map From Spreadsheets.

Does Atlist work with Framer animations?
Yes! Framer animations can be applied to Embed elements.

Do I need a Google Maps API key?
No! Atlist includes access to the Google Maps API.

What's the difference between Atlist and Framer's Map element?
Atlist is totally customizable and lets you add hundreds of markers— even by spreadsheet.

Framers map element is only for a single marker and does not offer nearly as many customization options as Atlist.

Think of Atlist as a widget or new element you can add to your Framer site.

What is Atlist's pricing?

Sign up or read more about our pricing.

Ready to create a map?
Try Atlist now→