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Markers can have tags.

Tags are a great way to sort and filter markers because unlike groups, markers can have multiple tags.

Start writing in the tag input to add a tag. If the tag already exists, you can select it. If it doesn't exist yet, you can create a new tag.

Tags can be used in two different ways:

  • Overlay — Turn on the Tags overlay to let users filter markers by tags.
  • Modals — Turn on tags in modals to display tags in modals.

Tag Matching

When visitors filter your markers by tags, you now choose how markers are matched:

  • All Tags — Show markers that have all selected tags.
  • Any Tag — Show markers that have at least one selected tag.

Here’s a quick video demonstrating the new tag matching options:

Deleting Tags

To delete a tag, simply remove it from all markers where it has been added. Once the tag is removed from every marker, it will automatically disappear.


  • A markers tags can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping tags.
  • You can re-order tags in the overlay by going to Customize -> Overlays -> Tag Options and look for the Order option. Then drag and drop tags in your preferred order.
  • If you have no tags, the Tags overlay will not display.

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